we want your


We hope you enjoyed your recent visit to the Busy Bees. Your feedback is very important to us as our goal is to provide you exceptional service.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

How likely are you to recommend Busy Bees to a friend or family member?(Required)
How satisfied were you with your recent experience at Busy Bees(Required)
How satisfied were you with the customer service you received:(Required)
How likely are you to create/visit Busy Bees in the future?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the appearance of the store?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the checkout experience?(Required)
Did an associate greet/acknowledge you when you arrived at the studio?(Required)
Were you able to get assistance from an associate if needed?(Required)
How satisfied were you that you were treated like a valued customer?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the friendliness of the staff?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the knowledge of the staff?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the helpfulness of the staff?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the product quality?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the product price?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the product selection?(Required)
Were you able to create/purchase everything you intended?(Required)
If we need clarification on any of your responses may we contact you?

See you soon